History of HTU


Leading the way in the making of Holy Trinity University we know now are great people, personnel, administrators, parents, students, and other stakeholders in our midst whom we remember with profound gratefulness in our hearts.

HTU, the pioneer Higher institution of learning in Palawan, was established in 1940 as Holy Trinity Academy (HTA). In October 1953, the school became Holy Trinity College (HTC).

In 1990, Holy Trinity College celebrated its golden jubilee of service to the community of Puerto Princesa City, Palawan with the theme: “Thanking, Celebrating and Visioning”. Again, the 60th Anniversary of the school was celebrated in 2000 with the theme, “The HTCian Family into the Millennium: Memory and Prophecy”

On December 23, 2009, Holy Trinity College (HTC) became Holy Trinity University (HTU) by virtue of CHED CEB Resolution No. 490-2009 in accordance with the pertinent provision of Republic Act (RA) 7722 otherwise known as the “Higher Education Act of 1994” during the 345th Commission En Banc meeting

On April 5-10,2010, the entire community celebrated the HTU’s successful 70 years of providing quality education in the city and the province with the theme “Gather…Remember…Celebrate!”

On April 29 to May 01, 2015, HTU celebrated its 75 years of being part of Palawan’s historical and critical moments where she served as a “landmark,” and demonstrated how liberating a true Christian education is in human society. The Holy Trinity University’s alumni, students, faculty, parents, former and present administrators, community collaborators, friends, benefactors and other stakeholders gathered for a three-day celebration and sharing of voluntary service to the needy in the city and province with the theme: “HTU Shining Bright and Soaring High @ 75”.  HTU is continuously serving not only the people of the city and the province of Palawan as it celebrated its 80th Foundation Anniversary in SY 2020-2021.

On December 16 – 24, 2020, despite the challenges posted by pandemic, the 80th celebration of HTU was a testament to resilience and innovation. Embracing virtual platforms, the university orchestrated a series of engaging online events and limited face to face activities that fostered a sense of unity and celebration among students, alumni, faculty, and staff like dawn masses, motorcade, parangal, thanksgiving mass, and fellowship. The celebration transcended physical boundaries, bringing together the HTU community from around the globe. With the theme: “Pasko ng Pasasalamat sa Panahon ng Pandemya sa HTU”, this landmark episode not only honored the university’s rich history but also highlighted its adaptability in navigating unprecedented times, demonstrating that even in adversity, the spirit of togetherness and achievement prevails.

On June 2025, we are thrilled to celebrate HTU’s remarkable journey of 85 years—a legacy of excellence, innovation, and progress that has shaped countless lives and futures. This milestone marks not just the passage of time but a testament to our unwavering commitment to education, research, and community. As we reflect on our past achievements and look forward to the future, we reaffirm our dedication to empowering minds, fostering discovery, and making a positive impact in the world.

Our gratefulness to the following administrators from the humble beginning of the institution:

Holy Trinity Academy: Rev.  Mother Cruz Rich, O.P., Rev.  Mother Paulina Cruz, O.P., and Rev. Mother Trinidad Acosta, O.P., who worked in close cooperation with the Augustinian Recollect priests under the leadership of Msgr. Leandro Nieto, ORSA, the Prefect Apostolic of Palawan.

The School as a Junior College: Sister Amparo Bautista, O.P., 1st Directress (1950); Fr. Alessio Villanueva, ORSA, Director of College (January 1955), Mother Rosa Santiago, O.P. (1958), and Sister Victoria San Juan, O.P., Superior-Directress (1963), 

The Holy Trinity College: Sister Leonor Pagorogon, O.P., PhD.,1st Directress and Dean of the Graduate School (1976), and the HTC President (1981), Sr. Teresita Medalle, OP, PhD., HTC President (1987 – 2000); Sr. Estrella T. Tangan, O.P., PhD., President (2000); Sr. Caroline S. Capili, O.P., PhD., 4th HTC President (2007).

HTU in the Service with “ Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity”  with the following administrators: Sr. Caroline S. Capili, O.P., PhD,   1st   HTU President (2009); followed by Sr. Mesalina E. Cloma, O.P., Ph.D. Candidate (2011); Sr. Mercedes R. Lalisan, O.P, PhD., as 3rd President in June 16, 2014; Sr. Pinlyn B. Dahili, OP, DM, 4th  President( May 2017), and Sr. Elenita B. Ocampo, O.P., PhD., 5th HTU President, June 3, 2019 to present.

Courses offered and other innovations through the years in the Service of Truth from HTA to HTC and now HTU:

The first courses offered were Kindergarten and Elementary level, and secondary level. On September 10, 1950, HTA rose to become a Junior College and opened the courses: Elementary Teacher’s Certificate (ETC), Vocational Stenography, and Typing, and Associate in Arts (1953). Then, other courses were added: Secretarial course (1955), Dressmaking, and Liberal Arts (1957), Associate in Commercial Science (1958), and   Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education (1959).

Improvements in the school’s physical structure were done with the construction and inauguration of the three-story St. Dominic building in 1963. The Pre-Nursing Course and the Graduate School started in 1965.

In June 1976, HTC became the first FAPE (Fund for Assistance to Private Education) Unit Center in Palawan.  The Academic Year 1983-1984, marked the establishment of the Holy Trinity College – Palawan National Agricultural College (PNAC) consortium.  In that same year, the Bachelor of Science in Criminology, Master Electrician Course, and Electronic Service for Television, and Radio were opened.

The school year 1984 – 1985, paved the way for the opening of a two-year General Radio Communication Operator Course and the construction and inauguration of the first phase of the St. Catherine building.

In 1985-1986, the college opened its Automotive and Electrical Engineering courses, and the four-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing (June 1987). The implementation of the Catholic Schools Systems Development Program (CSSD) concept in the operation of the school started in 1987 to the present.  In 1990-1991, the fifty years of educational service of HTC were highlighted and made possible through the development of a strong research tradition that included the Palawan Environmental Research Center (PERC). Professional Chairs and research grants were offered to further enhance the research outputs of the faculty. The outputs were published in the HTC Graduate Journal and the Faculty Research Journal.  The government recognition for the Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering was given by the Department of Education, Culture and Sports on June 10, 1991.

In 1994-1995, new graduate school programs were opened in Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Master of Arts (M.A.)  in Public Administration, and in Service Education:  Religious Education as a major in Education, Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, and Bachelor of Science in Biology.  Then, the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy was given government recognition by the Department of Education, Culture and Sports Region IV – Southern Tagalog.

In 1997, the HTC Administrators applied for the conversion of the college into a university. Meanwhile, the Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management was given government recognition by the Commission on Higher Education.  On campus, the Mother Francisca Community Extension Service Program was formally organized to include all the existing extension services programs of the College as follows: the Human Resource Development Program (HRDP), the extension services programs of the various colleges, and the institutional community extension services for the poor, the sick and the young in following the charism of the Foundress.

From 2000 to 2007, HTC offered additional majors in the Doctorate programs in Public Administration and Development Education and majors in the Masteral programs were Teaching English, Math, and Science.

Also, HTC was deputized by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to offer Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program (ETEEAP). CHED granted HTC with the Certificate of Authorization to accredit, provide equivalency, and/or certify the pertinent work experiences, knowledge, or expertise acquired by individuals through formal, non-formal, or informal means and to confer the appropriate academic degree of Bachelor of Science in Criminology by virtue of CHED Resolution No.025 series of 2002. The first graduates of the program belong to the batch of SY 2003-2004. 

The CHED’s Technical Team came to visit the school to validate the application for conversion to a university on April 28-29, 2009. That year, HTC had its PAASCU accreditation on the following programs: resurvey for Education, Liberal Arts, and Business Administration; formal survey for Nursing; preliminary visit for Criminology, Hotel and Restaurant Management, Master of Arts in Education, and Master in Public Education on July 23-24, 2009. In the said accreditation, the College of Nursing Education was granted Level I PAASCU accreditation; Level II reaccredited for Liberal Arts and Business Administration; and Candidate Status was granted to the following programs: Criminology, Hotel and Restaurant Management, Master of Arts in Education, and Master in Public Administration.

On June 23, 2010, HTU received two Governor’s Awards for the Private Education Category and Women Development Category. HTU also received the Mayor’s Award for the Academe category on March 4, 2011. In the same year, the offering of a Master in Business Administration was approved by the Commission on Higher Education and the consortia between Holy Trinity University (HTU) and the University of San Carlos (USC), University of Mindanao (UM), Palawan State University (PSU) and Fatima University (FU) were established. Also, the research in Engineering and Palawan Ethno-environmental Research Center won the best research both in the region and national Convention/symposium/fora. This enhanced culture of research is being continued today by the institution that has widened its linkages with varied research organizations. The different programs were scheduled for research presentation in-campus and a number of the researchers participated in local and international research forum.   

In 2013, Sienatel as HTU Training Hotel in Tiniguiban, Puerto Princesa City was opened.  It served its purpose for the students and guests.  Today, it is known as the Holy Trinity University, Tiniguiban Campus. It provides facility for the laboratories of the Engineering and HRM courses programs.  Also, it serves as a dormitory and venue for the in-house review of the nursing graduates.   

On August 29, 2015, HTU received the Excellent Award for the cleanest and Greenest School- Poblacion Category from the Office of the City Mayor of Puerto Princesa. HTU also received the Best Research Paper Presenter and Best Research Poster Presenter both for the professional category during the MIMAROPA Health Research Development Consortium 4th Health Research Forum at Filipiniana Hotel, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro last November 25, 2015.

During Academic Year 2015-2016, HTU magnificently hurdled PAASCU reaccreditation of four (4) programs, 1 formal accreditation and 2 preliminary visit which garnered flying colors to move on to the next levels of accreditation. The programs that were accredited were the following: Integrated Basic Education – Level II Reaccredited for five years, Liberal Arts and Business Administration – Level II Reaccredited for five years, Nursing – Level II Accredited for three years, Education – Level 1 Accredited for three years and Criminology and HRM due for a formal visit in 2017-2018.

In 2017, the Bachelor of Science in Nursing passed the PAASCU Level II re-accreditation and the Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management Level I PAASCU accreditation.  Also, the Geodetic Engineering program obtained CHED recognition as well as approval of the offering of a Master of Arts in Education major in Pre-School Education and the grant of permit to operate a Senior High School by the Department of Education.

In 2018, one board passer from the College of Nursing made it to the Top 10 in the Nursing Licensure Examination. Also, a Plaque of Appreciation was given to HTU for the Exemplary Performance of its Criminology graduates in the 2018 Licensure Examination for Criminologists. 

Aiming at moving forward and innovating its institutional system and course offerings for the good of the students and other stakeholders, HTU started the adoption of the trimestral program for all the colleges in 2018-2019.  On June 3, 2019, a turnover ceremony witnessed by the faculty and other personnel was held at St. Thomas Hall for the incoming President, Sr. Elenita B. Ocampo.  She underscored that in this transition period in Philippine Educational Reform, there is a need to be   POSITIVE in order to have a successful and fruitful SY 2019-2020 and through the coming years.

Henceforth, to continuously improve, re-invent and renew its programs in the service of Truth, the administrators and faculty worked on the revision of its mission and vision and curricular programs. Pandemic or non-pandemic, life must go on as an institution of learning. The first hybrid graduation was held in 2021 at the Holy Trinity University Tiniguiban Campus.  Limited face-to-face classes were held for the courses with laboratories, particularly Nursing, and Engineering. To date, HTU is 100% face-to-face compliance.

HTU has undergone PAASCU Accreditation last May 19-20,2022 for the College of Business Administration, College of Hospitality Management, College of Education and Liberal Arts. Also, the Integrated Basic Education Department (IBED) had their PAASCU visit October 13 – 14,2022 and granted re-accreditation for 5 years.  The HTU family will be preparing for the coming PAASCU Accreditation Visit on February 20 – 21, 2025 for the College of Nursing.

Indeed, Holy Trinity University (HTU) as the only Catholic university in MIMAROPA is committed to being a symbol of missionary sacrifice, a fierce bearer of Truth, and an active catalyst of events as she responds with faith to shape the community it envisions through unity with the church and society, and through actively participating in relevant social concerns and important causes and issues.  In the local Church, HTU helps in the implementation of the Parish Sunday School and in other religious activities in the spirit of synodality as lived in communion, participation, and mission.  For society, the outreach activities of HTU are felt among the indigenous people belonging to the school’s adopted communities, the needy members of the society as well as the young learners in public schools for evangelization and in other ways wherein the school will be of service to the people of our time. Thus, HTU helps in building a progressive Christian community that will effectively contribute to the meaningful telling and re-telling of the good news as witnessed in Truth for the greater glory of God.