Vision & Mission


HTU INSTILLS, NURTURES, and LIVES the values of Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity, exemplified by Venerable Mo. Francisca del Espiritu Santo de Fuentes, for the integral formation of persons for service and leadership in transforming society.


Holy Trinity University, a dynamic agent in the evangelizing mission of the Catholic Church, envisions to become innovative and resilient to the challenges of the 21st century in the spirit of synodality.


  1. To strengthen the integration of the Gospel values lived by Ven. M. Francisca del Espiritu Santo de Fuentes in all aspects of school operation.
  2. To intensify transformative OP-Siena education that fosters innovative, relevant, resilient, sustainable, and holistic programs and empowers stakeholders in the spirit of communion, participation and mission.
  3. To respond to the challenges of the 21st century digital world and to foster the development of the educational research and Palawan studies.
  4. To institutionalize the community engagement and collaborative partnership with different agencies.